Safety Instructions

Prioritize safety at all times by following these instructions: 

1. Exposure

1.1 The maximum recommended time for each heating time is 15 - 20 minutes. Excessive heat exposure can be harmful to your health.

1.2 If you feel unwell or experience dizziness, nausea, or weakness, exit the sauna immediately and move to a cooler area.

1.3 Avoid sitting or lying down quickly immediately after leaving the sauna to prevent dizziness.

2. Hydration

2.1 Drink an adequate amount of water before, during and after your sauna session to keep your body hydrated.

2.2 Alcoholic beverages can contribute to dehydration. Be aware of our Party Guide and always drink responsibly. 

3. Fire Hazard

3.1 Open flames, flammable substances and electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the sauna.

3.2 Ensure that no flammable materials such as paper or textiles come into contact with the oven.

3.3 Do not cover the sauna oven with anything. 

4. Slip Hazard

4.1 Try to prevent slips on the floor by not entering the sauna with wet feet or soaking wet swimwear. 

4.2 Use provided mats or towels in the sauna to ensure a firm footing.

5. Electronic Equipment

5.1 Do not touch or change anything of  the power system in the sauna, which is for staff use only.

5.2 In case of power failure, inform our staff. 

6. Splinter and Shards

6.1 Wear appropriate footwear like sandals or slippers when walking around to save your bare feet from splinters or sharp objects.

7. Health Condition

7.1 If you have heart problems, high or low blood pressure, respiratory conditions or any other medical conditions, consult your doctor before using the sauna.

7.2 Pregnant persons or individuals with acute infections or fever should refrain from using the sauna as it may be harmful to their health.

8. Emergency Precautions

8.1 Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers in the sauna.

8.2 In the event of a medical emergency, immediately alert the staff and use the first aid facilities provided. 

8.3 Read our Emergency Plan.

9. Limited Capacity

9.1 The maximum permitted number of people in the sauna is 15. 

9.2 An overcrowded sauna can compromise the safety and comfort of guests. 

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